Before half-term, we had a busy week of sporting fixtures against other academies. It's been fantastic to see so many students training in our sports teams, and stepping up to proudly represent Q3 Academy Great Barr. This sense of identity and community-building is an important aspect of our organisational culture. Read on for some match reports! Is your child Ready to Learn?Parents and carers, please could you support us this week by re-checking that your child has all the necessary equipment in their bag. We appreciate your continued support with this, as it helps us maximise learning time. This is particularly important for Year 11 and 13 students who have upcoming mocks. The required equipment is:
![]() Please also check your that your child has an ID card and lanyard. Over 98% of students already do, but a small number of students have misplaced their cards. Replacements can be ordered on ParentPay. Students present themselves really smartly around the Academy, and this sets the tone for respectful behaviour and purposeful learning. Year 8 Boys Football vs. WodensboroughOn the Thursday before half-term, we played Wodensborough and we came out victorious, beating them 3-1. Daniel Nwachukwu scored first, and Daniel Osagie-Reece followed suit with another two, but in the end Charlie Pritchard won Man of the Match. It was an exceptional performance and a well-deserved win on our part and let's hope more wins will come our way. – Archie Mewis (Captain) ![]() Year 8 Girls Netball vs. PhoenixThis week our Year 8 Girls Netball team took part in their first fixture against Phoenix. They played 2 matches and it was great to see them all involved. ![]() I was immensely proud of the girls and considering they had never played a full game of netball before, they really did put in their all! All players and those who didn't get to play in this game were enthusiastic and supportive of each other and showed respect to the opposing team. ![]() Our captain Neha Dhesi led the team and Isabella Benniston-Clarke and Arya Rattu were nominated as players of the match by the Phoenix team. A huge well done to these girls and to the whole team! Well done and I can't wait for our next match! – Miss Bull ![]() Year 10 Boys Football vs. WodensboroughThis was a great team performance from the lads. We played good football and stayed calm and composed when the other team tried to get in our heads. We scored 4 goals but could have had a lot more, happy we kept a clean sheet. We got the result we wanted and look forward to the next game. – Lewis Griffiths (Captain) ![]() Exploring the Human Geography of LichfieldA-level Geography students had an amazing time exploring the historic city of Lichfield. ![]() They constructed Goad maps of land use in the city centre, along with completing various environmental quality surveys, conducting questionnaires, and completing annotated field sketches of different areas of Lichfield. ![]() Students now have a vast breadth of experience of Human Geography fieldwork and are ready and eager to apply some of these techniques for their own NEAs. – Mr Wilson ![]() #WakeUpWednesdayWe recognise the challenge that parents and carers face in keeping up-to-date with the ever-changing digital world. To support with this, the Academy has funded access to an online safety hub full of useful tips, guides, training courses, and webinars to help keep you in the know. Please create an account, and once you're logged in you can check out this week's What Parents Need to Know guide. – Mr Price Upcoming Events